Tuesday, March 11, 2008

122 - Eastern Island, Palmyra Atoll, Pacific Ocean

1200mi. SW of Hawaii. Part of an off-and-on inhabited Palmyra Atoll, ruled in an unincorporated fashion by the USA (and owned, since 2000, by the Nature Conservancy).

In 1859, Palmyra was claimed by Dr. Gerrit P. Judd of the brig Josephine for the American Guano Company and the United States, in accordance with the Guano Islands Act of 1856; however, the company never started mining for guano, because there was none to be mined.

Also, here's a delicious quote from the Palmyra wikipedia page, about the ungratefully conserved wildlife of Palmyra:

The main problem was the "Goonie" birds. Feasting in the evening, they could be drenched by the rain and become unable to return to their roosting grounds. Being attracted by the camp lights, they stopped over and usually regurgitated their meal all over the camps.

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